54 photos   6118 visits

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She's a little guy,too.But is the real ~! I love you @Princess!And sure,I will protect you forever!Peace out!

For Ems
For Ems
for you ;x
for you ;x
Love you
Love you

Comments • 4

SweetDreamxD 30 October 2010  
:x She's so cutie.
xDingFakesDetectorxD 30 October 2010  
EmilyGraceOnline 30 October 2010  
Wow !
Thanks !!
Thank You!!
I Love u sooo much!!
U are my bff!!
I'll make an album for ya!!
xDingFakesDetectorxD 30 October 2010  
It's okay!I don't force you to make an album(: Was my pleasure(:
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