54 photos   6120 visits

0 - MissNoie - Real - 0

Yeaps bbe, MissNoie is a little guy, but real (: Bbe I don't have words to explame you! I will protect you forever my MissNoie!
What to said,? Love yoou!

For Noie
For Noie
For you x
For you x
love yoouu
love yoouu

Comments • 4

MissNoie 30 October 2010  
SweetDreamxD 30 October 2010  
She is the real Noie.
xDingFakesDetectorxD 30 October 2010  
I know.
MissNoieIsBack 30 October 2010  
OMG!! O_O Thank you sooooo much!!! <33
Love you!!!! xoxo Peace Noah
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